
School's Out for Summer (Finally)


Or at least, that's how I thought I would feel once I turned in my final project five minutes ago. I had planned to read something just for fun--gasp!--for an hour or two before starting work, to celebrate the course's end.

Instead, I'm hungry, suffering a sinus headache, and tired. It's thundering and dark and I just want to lay down and have my aching shoulders rubbed.

But enough complaining. I was all chipper and ready to write a blog entry yesterday, only I had to discipline myself to work on my final project instead. I'm currently all excited because I've been reading two Frank Miller graphic novels, The Dark Knight Returns and The Dark Knight Strikes Again. They are tres enjoyable--I really like the interplay between Batman and Superman's personalities, in particular. It's very gritty, particuarly the first one. Some of the art is almost too harsh and heavy for my style, but it is interesting to look at. That, plus thinking about Scott McCloud's book again, really makes me want to try my hand at comic art--just for fun, mind you; I have no aspirations to publish! I have enough creative projects to keep me occupied for five lifetimes, thanks.

Alex and I spent Saturday shopping for tax-free clothes. We were absolutely exhausted by the time we finished, but we managed to get everything we needed without having to face the mall! Our last stop was the new Super-Wally in McKinney, which is the most gorgeous Walmart I've ever seen.

One of the reasons that the Frisco mall would have been a bad idea beyond the tax-free rush is that IKEA opened there last Wednesday. I actually had a meeting with a Snazzy Decor client there on Friday, and let me tell you--I love this place! I bought five items with $25, and two of them were large stuffed animals (yes, I bought myself a dragon and a frog prince--leave me alone, it was my birthday money!).

Speaking of Snazzy, business is going well. I have a previous client interested in two or more new murals, and I just got a call this afternoon about another nursery possibility. I love this work! I just wish it was more predictable--now I'm wondering how I will fit in the fall semester classes and my 20-30 hour a week job(s) at UNT. Sigh.

Well, I still have the headache, hunger, and weariness, but I sure feel more positive after remembering what a good week I just had! Cheerio!

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