
An August Afternoon

...Another phone call for Snazzy Decor today! This is beginning to be a bit startling. I've had good periods of business, but this is truly insane. Was my business featured on the Google homepage or something when I wasn't looking? Not that I'm complaining. I can get paid to paint on lots of people's walls, no problem!

I'm beginning to get nervous about the start of classes on August 29th, though. I feel overloaded as it is and feel behind in classes that don't start for another week! Egads! Plus, not knowing my job situation as of next month makes my insides a little fluttery. I can always work 20 hours a week in my current job, so money's not really an issue, but if I don't get a library position--I'm currently waiting for word on one in particular--then I have to 1) pay for a six-week intern position (instead of getting paid for six months) and 2) try to get a job after graduation with only six weeks' experience.

Wow, graduation is only two semesters away. And with my current schedule, it won't seem long--amazing how not having enough hours in a day makes time rocket past at light speed.

I just looked at the course details for my digital imaging course (SLIS 5715), and I am delighted to realize that for the first time, using Photoshop is a requirement, not a handy way to avoid doing actual schoolwork. This, I could get used to! Now, if I could just manage to order my textbook on time and read the articles due before the first day of class--yikes, it's like they think it's grad school! Oh....right.

Random Note:
If life was fair, they'd still have small ladies' sizes of this shirt.

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