
But I Don't Wanna Go!

Monday will be my official last day working at the Willis Library Digital Lab. I'm so sad! It was only a summer position, but I love the work and I love the fun people I've worked with there. To prove the value of the fun people at the DigiLab, I present:

Exhibit A, Nancy's pet goldfish website.

Exhibit B, Nathan's pig photo, recently shown at the UNT Union Gallery.
Exhibit C, passionate conversations with Nancy and Vale concerning Stargate SG-1, Battlestar Gallactica, and other sci-fi TV delights. (Um, no actual exhibit here, as I didn't make transcripts of said conversations.)

On an unrelated note, we watched Sin City last night. I liked it; having recently read several graphic novels, I was more attuned than I might have been to how the cinematography echoed that visual style, and I loved it. That was fantastic! I liked the story and the interwoven chapters, but this is one movie that I have to say I couldn't watch all the violence in. Kill Bill has limbs and blood flying everwhere, but it's so outrageous it becomes near campy, which I like. Sin City was brains and white blood and ears coming off and the limb severing was probably the most extreme I've seen--think what happens to Mel Gibson at the end of Braveheart--only you see what happens, instead of merely seeing reactions to it. Ewwwww. So my take is:

Cinematography: 11 out of 10
Writing: 9 out of 10 (only because there are a few lines that are great in comics, and sound weird in actor's mouths)
Direction: 9 out of 10
Elijah Wood Creepiness Factor: 10 out of 10 (this isn't necessarily a good thing...)
Violence Comfort Rating: 3 out of 10

I'm not saying I wasn't amply warned about the violence. I was just glad that I was physically able to turn my eyes away when the occassion arose.

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