

This weekend, Alex and I trekked down to San Antonio for my mother's birthday and my father's art opening at the New Braunfels Art League. He won first place for one of his panoramic photographs of the Grand Canyon--Congrats, Dad!
[pictures TBA]

It was nice to be there, but I'm glad the drive is over. I'm back at the reference desk, reading material for my Preservation course. It's quite intriguing stuff--about acknowledging that we can't, and even shouldn't, save every information object. It's an interesting take that I haven't read before by Abby Smith.

...And I just joined ARLIS and TLA, two professional library organizations. I feel, well, professional!

1 comment:

Tihleigh said...

Holy coincidence, Batman!

I was also in San Antonio this weekend....and I was, get this, visiting my mom.

Coincidence? I think--well yeah, probably, but that's beside the point that I don't have.