
Weekend's End

This morning, Alex and I got up early--not because we had to, but because we actually went to sleep early last night. We spent a fun morning--Alex playing Half-Life, me reading Neverending Story, and then we watched "The Hobbit" while we ate scrambled eggs and orange-glazed cinnamon rolls. It felt luxuriously weekend-ish.

Then we had to clean house, which felt not so weekend-ish, but we did watch some Dukes of Hazzard to pass the time more pleasantly. I must admit I'd never really seen much of the show before, but we bought the first season on sale at $15 to see if Alex would like it as much as he had as a kid. Now I love it! Lots of "sweet jumps," Alex says, quoting Napolean Dynamite, and it's pretty darn funny. I just can't get over Sheriff Coltrane's crazy laugh. It sounds like a drunk, half-insane Popeye.

Then at 4:30, as usual, I had to leave for work. I'm feeling pretty sleepy and wishing I could have stayed home to watch Alex beat Half-Life instead of sit here at the desk, knowing full well that it's a Sunday night and no time to be working, even at my dream job. *Yawn.*

But tomorrow I get to attend my hands-on preservation lab--Yippee!

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