
Come Home from Homecoming

I'm thoroughly convinced that I had about the best undergrad experience a person could have, and it's reinforced by the familial atmosphere when the school comes together for Homecoming.

Alex and I bid on some items at the silent auction, and it's rumored that we won at least one--I have high hopes that it's the Tim-Duncan-autographed-floor-tile, so I can showcase some Spurs bling. (Gotta make my friends Josh and Jaime drool!)

I also made out like a bandit with several sacks of books and records from the library booksale. I was all ready to make out my $8 check when Terry Minami, HSU librarian and a pal, insisted I only pay $2 because I always buy a sack of books from her. She's tops!

I had great fun at Cowpoke Posse, which the BYA sponsors. Actually, our job mostly consisted of packing up the kid's shirts and other supplies and boxes and cramming them into a small sedan. I'd like to work earlier next year and see more of the alumni's kids. I did score a "HSU Sheriff's Posse" pin, which I wore for the rest of Homecoming. Kathryn and I had BBQ, and then I met Alex to test the game demo levels (to be sure they'd support 64 people at once).

The Alumni Art reception was great--it consisted of Kathryn and I reminiscing with our former professor & employer, Linda Fawcett, and having a grand old time laughing about it. My favorite stories are always the bulk-mail stories and the time that I was sick and fell asleep in the art office closet for four hours. Good times.

Then on to the tourney! The alumni whomped the current students so badly this time that we quickly abandoned the traditional teams for a fair match. We feasted on pizza and battled primarily in the very-excellent Battlefield 2. I would like to take this opportunity to say that I did not completely suck, and that it is a grand thing to snipe with an anti-tank gun. Tanks or people.

Thanks once again to Jared for his generousity in providing us a lodging and conversation late into the evening--er, morning. I'm looking forward to our next Abilene-ian trek in the spring!

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