
Avast, Me Hearties!

Yes, yet again it's International Talk Like a Pirate Day--er, that is to say--aye, maties, it be that day again. While not the most sacred of holidays, it's inarguably one of the most fun, giving license to growl and squint your eyes while swaggering about your place of work, home, or the local food mart. (Just try not to scare too many little old ladies.) If ye be in need of a bit o' merriment whilst ye swagger about, feast yer eye (only one, remember, since you're wearing that eyepatch) on these comics featurin' scoundrels and scalliwags such as yours truly.

Ye landlubbers, get yer sorry selves to the Official Website, where ye can learn how to talk, dress, and do other things in a pirate-y manner.

1 comment:

a soul deranged said...

Aye Lass, I to celerbrate this day. With a bottle of rum and me scallywag of man by me side.