This week is also banned book week, for those of you who have to be coerced into reading by the suggestion that it's the rebellious thing to do. Try some particularly naughty, obscene piece of literature like A Wrinkle in Time or Huckleberry Finn, two of my favorites. In honor of the week, I have earned my first true piece of librarian "flair," a banned book pin.

The real government conspiracy last night was to prevent Alex, Jaime, Amy, and I from watching Lost! We were all settled and ready to eat dinner and watch, when a tremendous storm blew in. This rendered our HD antenna close to useless--unless we had actually enjoyed the dialogue sounding like a stuttering stroke victim. So we piled the food and ourselves into the vehicles and drove the short hop to Amy and Jaime's house, arriving just in time for the show to begin--only the power was out. This meant not only that we would miss whatever Jack found down the hole, but that our dinner couldn't finish cooking! Luckily, it came back on within fifteen minutes--although the episode backtracked from the previous week, so we really didn't learn anything new. Evil, evil writers.