
Am I Delirious?

I'm home sick again for the second day running. Tell me if I'm delirious, or if this music video by the OK Go's is sheer genius on treadmills.

More strange-enough-to-be-the-cough-syrup-talking news: Original Star Trek series being remastered in HD with new music and CG effects. This sounds like the greatest idea in scifi history--or the lamest. Seems to me like they could potentially alienate a lot of original fans--but then, they're probably going for the younger set, eh?

And this morning I ran across an article on Heroes, a new series from NBC. A series about "people with superpowers in the real world." Count me in on 9/25! (Those of you willing to use iTunes can get it free today!)

1 comment:

Loonacy said...

I hope you feel better soon my friend. Just watched the season finale of BSG tonight LOL had it on DVD for several months.. Can't wait for the next season. Not sure about Heroes but Studio 60 might be cool.