
Just Passing Through

I got a welcome unexpected visit from my parents tonight; they're stopping overnight at our place while on their way to Kansas City. I'm quite pleased to get to see them, even though the house hasn't yet recovered from the weekend deep-cleaning (why is that deep-cleaning one room leaves the rest of your house a complete mess?).

I chatted a bit with Dad about my Online Family Archive Project, and Mom showed me an awesome pencil portrait she drew of me. They took me out to Applebee's, where Mom and I had the amazingly-awesome, cilantro-lime-honey-dressing-drizzled Stacked Tostada Chicken Salad, which I later ordered to go for Alex (who came home late from work).

1 comment:

Auntie K said...

Oh, I love the idea of the Online Family Archive project. Please keep us non-family members posted, because I have no doubt that it will be a great site. And it makes me think that I can already feel my librarianish braincells dying by the thousands. Hmm, have to do something to rectify that!