
Saint Anthony of Padua

I recently obtained a small icon of St. Anthony of Padua.* I feel an affinity for this saint, much as I do for good ol' St. Veronica (patron saint of photographers and of my thesis). In Tony's case, this is because I was first made aware of him when I actually visited his Basilica in Padua, Italy. There, I discovered that this charming saint is the saint of lost items (have you ever heard of a more useful saint?) and of finding hubbys for single gals (again, a handy guy). Not only that, but the basilica had on display the coolest relics I've ever seen in person: his tongue and vocal chords (he was a superb orator). As legend has it, his coffin was opened 30 years after his death: his body was dust, but his tongue and vocal chords were miraculously preserved "uninjured, fresh, and of a lively red colour." I just love hagiography.

It was only after I got back that I realized that my hometown, San Antonio, is actually named after him. Small world.

*Not to be confused with the Egyptian hermit featured in some of Bosch's most disturbing paintings. Ask me about my most interesting Art History class someday, and we'll chat about Bosch the Bizarre. If Thomas Kincaid is the "Painter of Light" (*cough* self-aggrandizing marketing ploy), then Hieronymous Bosch is the "Painter of Really Disturbing Hybird Animals, Torturous Acts, and Naked People."
And people say Art History is boring.

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