
Are Weekends for Relaxing?

Such a full weekend--where do I begin?

Friday, as evidenced by this photo, was University Day at UNT. I couldn't participate, as I was on duty at the desk, but wore my green U-day shirt in celebration. I'm rather fond of the 'ol green and white.

I'm battling to get taxes done right now, particularly when there are so many interesting things going on. One of those is working with Annie and Monika on several library displays--we finished one last week. The posters read, "Take a break: read a book!" and there are a lot of great pleasure-reads on the table, which faces the library entrance. It's been heartening to notice so many students stopping and looking on their way in--at something I was a part of! I'll try to snag some photos and post them later this week.

After fighting with Photoshop, Illustrator, and MS Publisher Friday afternoon, Alex and I went to Bullet Trap with his dad. I'd have taken a few amusing photos, but you're not supposed to use cameras or cell phones on the range--which I suppose particularly applies to camera-phones. The spent brass from several people kept jumping into the cuff of my jeans; eventually I stopped dumping them out and waited till I got home. I used a Beretta Tomcat 3032, which I find much easier to handle than anything else I've shot. It actually fits my shrimpy little hand, and the kick is pretty minimal--I can actually hold it steady while I shoot. It's nice to have a real target to shoot at, but the range is so noisy that I really prefer shooting out in the country--much more peaceful. It's hard to hold your arms steady when 40-caliber gun reports are echoing off concrete walls.

Saturday Alex and I went to a gun show in Big Town, and I enjoyed it a lot more than the last two I attended, though I can't say why. I love all the history on display--Civil War artifacts and Nazi paraphenalia abound in glass cases. It continues to take my breath away, being inches away from something fifty or more years old, that played a part in a world-changing event. You'd think that it wouldn't seem so impressive, maybe, after seeing something as old and famous as da Vinci's Last Supper up close & personal, but any piece of history is amazing to me. I don't know exactly what it is--perhaps just tangible proof that these storied events actually took place, that people like my Grandpa actually lived through these things. (He's got some amazing stories about life as a POW in WWII--hard to believe that my jolly, smiling Grandpa lived in such gritty circumstances.)

Sunday, some of Alex's work buddies were gracious enough to help us roof half of our building! (Remember that building I was talking about waaay back in December? Yeah, that building.) Thanks to Keith & Josh's hard work, and some help from Rudy--while Mylene and I supervised--we got half the roof up in about five hours. We're all feeling the aches and lack of sleep today, though. (Thank you, guys!!!)

Aaaand that takes us up to today, which was spent cleaning, filing, and looking for my 2004 mileage book. Did I mention that I dislike filing taxes?

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