
That's Us, All Right

Hardin-Simmons generously provided Rangers tickets and dinner for Alex, two friends, and myself to meet with new-this-fall HSU students. Alex and I hit it off particularly well with a baseball-loving family; their older daughter is starting HSU this summer, will be playing softball, and is staying in the dorm and on the same floor where I was an RA my senior year (which I'm pretty sure most people there thought must have been seven months ago, not seven years ago).

So, as I attempted to keep score--an activity that I dearly love but am only passing decent at--I realized that here Alex and I were, supporting the university at which we met, in the very place we got engaged. I think the only aspect of our marriage that was missing was somebody in Star Wars costume--perhaps that was covered, though, since one of our friends there is a SW/HSU buddy.

In any case, the day was absolutely gorgeous--clear sky, 87 degrees--and for once, I attended a Rangers game that they actually one. By a lot. Woohoo!


Auntie K said...

I think it's admirable that you are both such strong supporters of your school. About all I can muster is a window sticker on my car. Now maybe if I'd met my husband there...

Starrlett said...

I think it's more prominent in our minds (besides our purple-and-gold marriage) because so many of our HSU friends ended up in DFW--and thus, we see them several times a year (for fireworks, if nothing else). :)

For the first year or so after I graduated, I thought of HSU fondly but wasn't really involved, and honestly just got ticked off when they sent letters asking alumni to donate (didn't they know I had student loans out the wazoo?).

But for some reason about three years ago, we got to missing 'ol Abilene and HSU, and finally made it to Homecoming. Since then, we've rekindled our involvement. But it's a lot easier the closer you live to your school, obviously.

And that is my thesis-length post. Ahem.